HAM Radio 3.2
Ham Radio Version 3.2 (Chestnut CD-ROMs)(1993).ISO
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Yaesu has sent out the following as an extended frequency coverage mod for the
FT-411. I tried it and it works as advertised. First remove all black screws
from case. Remove 4 silver screws holding the battery connector on bottom.
Remove the 3 knobs. Carefully separate the front and back. There is a
multiconductor trace between the front and back so hinge the front from the
back to keep from putting too much tension on the traces. Looking at the board
side of the front cover there are 8 little solder pads. They are half hidden
by a cover plate and the multiconductor trace. Pad 2 will have a solder
connection, the rest are open. Remove the solder fro the battery connector on
Remove the 3 knobs. Carefully separate the front and back. There is a
multiconductor trace between the front and back so hinge the front from the
back to keep from putting too much tension on the traces. Looking at the board
side of the front cover there are 8 little solder pads. They are half hidden
by a cover plate and the multiconductor trace. Pad 2 will have a solder
connection, the rest are open. Remove the solder from pad 2 and place a solder
bridge on pad 3. All other pads will be open. Close up radio.
Now when you turn on radio it will come up with 1.000 in the display. Memory
channel should say 1. Program in the lower receive frequency.
Example 1 - 4 - 1 - 0 then push VFO key. The Memory channel should go to 2.
Now program in the upper receive frequency. i.e. 1 - 6 - 5 - 0 and push VFO
key. Memory will move to 3. Do same for lower and upper transmit frequencies.
Note. The receiver sensitivity falls off at 162.55 to about 1 uv. The step and
repeater offset will need to be re-programmed also. Follow instruction manual.